Improve Your Lab’s Accuracy
Laboratories around the world rely on
the AACC Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th Edition, and Laboratory Proficiency Rating Program from Cereals & Grains Association (formerly AACC International) to ensure the accuracy and quality of their work.
AACC Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th Edition
Cereals & Grains Association pioneered the development of standardized methods of analysis for cereal laboratories in 1915, and delivering analytical resources to the grain science community has remained a key cornerstone of our association.
The 11th Edition of our
Approved Methods of Analysis offers 350+ methods and enhancements, including built-in calculators, videos, spreadsheets, co-lab reports, and audio PowerPoints, in addition to color images that assist users in understanding or performing specific methods better or more quickly.
Our analytical Methods are produced under the direction of the Approved Methods Technical Leadership Committee. Methods are developed and reviewed by technical committees for functionality and consistency before final approval. Requirements for the AACC Approved Methods of Analysis, 11th Edition, are consistent with those set by AOAC International, AOCS, ISO, and the U.S. FDA’s Bacteriological Analytical Manual.
AACC Laboratory Proficiency Rating Program (LPRP)
Cereals & Grains Association introduced the
Laboratory Proficiency Rating Program (previously Check Sample Service) in 1948 to solve for the fact that laboratories only had limited ways of ensuring accuracy. Today, laboratories around the world continue to rely on LPRP to accurately test equipment, monitor the use of proper methodology, qualify the work of contract laboratories, and ensure the accuracy of labeling information.
Our Laboratory Proficiency Rating Program provides valuable quality measurement services including Proficiency Ratings and Laboratory Reference Samples.
Discover our Analytical Resources
If you utilize both LPRP and our Analytical Methods, you can obtain valuable cross-referencing quality measures to assist in monitoring instrument and technician performance.
100 Years of Methods Excellence.
Since 1922, food scientists worldwide have relied on our
AACC Approved Methods of Analysis to ensure laboratory standardization and quality consistency. Subscribers benefit from: - Company-wide annual subscriptions for all employees.
- Real-time updates with the most current methodology.
- Enhancements to improve understanding of how to complete a method.
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Measure Your Lab Performance with Confidence!
For 75 years, our AACC Laboratory Proficiency Rating Program has helped labs achieve the most rigorous industry standards. Choose from these series used by food and feed laboratories worldwide: - Label Analysis
- Rheology Testing
- Food Safety
- Flour Analysis
Subscribe Now!
What's New?

New Guidelines Being Released This Year!
Validated by our Technical Committees and soon to be released:
- Guideline for Straight Dough Bread Baking Using Whole Wheat Flour
- Lean No Time Bake Test Guideline
- Rapid Determination of Insoluble, Soluble, and Total Dietary Fiber with Enzymatic-Gravimetry and Liquid Chromatography
- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Analysis of Glyphosate Residues in Durum Wheat, Whole Oats, Oat Groats, Lentils, and Peas
- Diastatic Activity of Wheat Flour or Semolina - Glucose Oxidase Peroxidase Method
- Guideline for the Objective Measurement of Color of Raw Noodle Sheets by Color Meter
- Guideline for the Objective Measurement of Color of Boiled Noodles by Color Meter
You can find our recently added Approved Method, Guideline for Dietary Fiber Analysis, in Section 32 (#32-01.01).