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​A Review of Methods for the Analysis of Glyphosate in Cereals and Grains

Broadcast Date: Wednesday, March 17th | 8:30am - 9:30am​ Central
Price:Free for members, $49 for nonmembers

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Glyphosate residue is a growing concern both domestically and internationally. With recent lawsuits and settlement agreements and companies like Kellogg’s, Richardson International and Grain Millers banning the use of pre-harvest glyphosate, there is a need for a practical way to manage residues on grains and foods. Immunoassay based test methods offer real time results to assist with glyphosate management programs that grain professionals are beginning to adopt.

Webinar Summary

A variety of methods that have been used to analyze glyphosate and its main degradation product AMPA in grains and grain-based foods will be presented in this webinar. Many of these methods use comprehensive instrumental techniques, but simple assays are also available. The range of benefits provided by the variety of available methods will also be discussed, along with considerations for quality control of glyphosate residue analysis.

Eurofins Abraxis offers the only commercially available quantitative glyphosate ELISA test kit and semi-quantitative/qualitative glyphosate lateral flow test strip kits. The format of these tests allows for fast turnaround times and glyphosate test results that support rapid and informed decision-making. Performance data in a variety of matrix types will be reviewed.

What You Will Learn

  • The driving factors for the testing of glyphosate in grains
  • Current testing methodologies that are used for analyzing glyphosate residues in grains
  • Operation and performance of a commercially available simple glyphosate test kit

About the Presenters

Dr. Sheryl Tittlemier

Dr. Sheryl Tittlemier is a research scientist with the Grain Research Laboratory at the Canadian Grain Commission. Sheryl manages the “grain safety” program, which is responsible for monitoring, surveillance, and research on pesticide residues, mycotoxins, heavy metals, and trace elements in grain. Her work includes the development and evaluation of analytical methods for analysis of a wide variety of compounds in grains, as well as examining the fate of contaminants in grain during processing, and sampling best practices. She has over 65 publications on chemical contaminants in food, including papers on the comparison of ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods for the analysis of glyphosate in grains as well as examination of the fate of glyphosate residues during milling and production of bread. Sheryl has been working in the area of analytical chemistry and food safety since 2002

Jim Donovan

Jim Donovan is the Director of Food Safety and Life Science Sales and Marketing for Eurofins Abraxis. Jim has over 20 years of experience in the environmental, food and ag testing markets with immunoassay based rapid test formats. Jim’s experience began at Agri-Diagnostics Associates with the development and marketing of the first ever on-site, rapid test method for fungal diseases in turf grass, ornamentals and crops. He followed that experience with over 10 years at Strategic Diagnostics Inc. where he marketed the first GMO test strips for insect resistant corn and herbicide tolerant soybeans along with tests for mycotoxins, food pathogens and pesticides into both domestic and international markets including developing Brazil into a leading GMO testing market. Prior to Eurofins Abraxis, Jim managed regional business development for Randox Food Diagnostics where he introduced the first mycotoxin biochip test method, which combined 7 mycotoxins into a single assay. In his current role, Jim manages sales and marketing of rapid tests for glyphosate, allergens, mycotoxins, VDRs, food pathogens and more as well as DNA/RNA extraction methods. Jim attended Rochester Institute of Technology where he earned a BS in Packaging Management.

Dr. Graham Yearwood

Dr. Graham Yearwood is Director of R&D at Eurofins Abraxis. Dr. Yearwood has over 25 years of experience in the design, developing and commercializing of numerous in-vitro diagnostic products including the 10-month concept to deployment EUA released Ebola antigen assay (now 510k approved) and the first and only FDA approved rapid Hepatitis C test. His expertise and achievements fall into three main areas, Immunodiagnostic innovation with the launch of random access automated immunoassays and rapid tests in infectious disease, metabolism and drugs of abuse; a record of academic and government collaboration within the EC Biotechnology Project and with BARDA; Project Management and Operational Excellence. Before joining Eurofins, Dr Yearwood worked for UrSure Inc., OraSure Technologies, Inc. and before that Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, a Johnson & Johnson Company. He completed is Postdoctoral studies at Brunel University, received his Ph.D. from City University (London) and his BSc. in Applied Chemistry from DeMonfort University (UK)

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