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Iron-Enriched Bread with Karkade (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and Wheat Flour

September 1998 Volume 75 Number 5
Pages 686 — 689
Machiko Hayashi 1 and Masaharu Seguchi 1 , 2

Faculty of Home Economics, Laboratory of Food Technology, Kobe Women's University Suma-ku, Kobe City, Japan 614. Corresponding author. E-mail: seguchi@suma.kobe-wu.ac.jp

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Accepted May 2, 1998.

Karkade (Hibiscus sabdariffa) was blended with wheat flour to make bread. When 0.5% Karkade was blended with wheat flour, maximum bread height and specific volume (cm3/g) were obtained (pH 4.8–5.0); these properties gradually deteriorated with increased Karkade. The pH of the bread crumb decreased with increased Karkade, reaching pH 3.35 when blended with 10% Karkade. The pH of Karkade alone was 2.5, which was adjusted to ≈5.0 by the addition of alkali just before blending with wheat flour and making bread. Control of the Karkade pH resulted in bread height and specific volume recovering to the original optimal levels. In addition, the deep reddish purple color (513 nm) of the bread crumb changed to a brownish color crumb. The Fe content was 0.14 mg of Fe/gram of dry crumb, or 6.22 mg of Fe/60 g of fresh bread when 5% Karkade was blended with wheat flour.

© 1998 American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.