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Effect of Gaseous Acetic Acid Treatment on Breadmaking Properties of Flour

November 1999 Volume 76 Number 6
Pages 898 — 901
Machiko Hayashi 1 and Masaharu Seguchi 1 , 2

Faculty of Home Economics, Laboratory of Food Technology, Kobe Women's University, Suma-ku, Kobe City, Japan 654-8585. Corresponding author. E-mail: seguchi@suma.kobe-wu.ac.jp

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Accepted July 12, 1999.

Eleven different wheat flours of varying protein content were treated with gaseous acetic acid. Each wheat flour exhibited maximum breadmaking properties (bread height and specific volume) at different levels of gaseous acetic acid treatment. There was a relationship (r = +0.7384) between the level of gaseous acetic acid treatment required for maximum breadmaking properties and the protein content of the wheat flour. Wheat flours with higher protein contents were more resistant to the decrease in pH value due to acetic acid treatment.

© 1999 American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.