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Comparison of Small and Large Deformation Measurements of Whole Meal Rye Doughs

November 1999 Volume 76 Number 6
Pages 912 — 914
K. Autio , 1 , 2 L. Flander , 1 R. Heinonen , 1 and A. Kinnunen 1

VTT Biotechnology and Food Research, P.O. Box 1500, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland. Corresponding author. Phone: +358-9-4565215. Fax: +358-9-4552103. E-mail: karin.autio@vtt.fi

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Accepted August 3, 1999.

The rheological properties of rye flour-water-salt doughs prepared from different flour types (different falling number and coarseness) at different water levels were studied after mixing and after 90 min of incubation (30°C and 80% rh). Both the effect of water and the coarseness of the flour had significant effects on storage modulus (G′) measured by oscillatory test in the linear viscoelastic region and on compressional force measured at large deformation. The results of the two rheological methods correlated very well with each other (correlation coefficients varied in the different doughs at r = 0.975–0.999). Dough rheological measurements suggested that falling number did not have a statistically significant effect on dough rheology after mixing or incubation. Although the two rheological methods correlated well, the responses for incubation were different. In the small deformation method, the storage modulus of all doughs, independent of the falling number, decreased during incubation, whereas in the large deformation method, only the hardness of doughs made from flours with lower falling number decreased during incubation. The rheological measurements of doughs after mixing and the viscosity measurements of flourwater suspension at 30 and 40°C did not correlate with each other. Total pentosans have great effect on viscosity measurements of flour-water suspensions, whereas flour particle size and soluble pentosans correlated more with rheological properties of doughs (r = 0.851 between G′ and soluble pentosans).

© 1999 American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.