Two types of flat bread (thin and thick) were produced from straight-grade flour by the traditional straight dough (SD) and sponge and dough (SPD) methods using 50 and 60% sponges. Quality of the resulting bread was evaluated with respect to specific volume, crumb distribution between layers, moisture content, overall sensory quality, and rate of staling. The results showed that the method of production has a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the specific volume of the crumb-rich thick flat bread but not on the almost crumb-free thin type. The study showed that breads produced with the SPD method were superior to those produced by the SD method with respect to their overall quality and resistance to staling, and that using 50% sponge gave bread with superior overall sensory quality to that obtained using 60% sponge. The results indicate that the Structograph can be used to follow the staling of these breads. Nonetheless, using the SPD method has some drawbacks, mainly longer fermentation time, and more space, mixing, and labor requirements that are expected to limit its use in commercial production of flat bread types.