2022-2023 Funded Research Projects

"Application of near infrared spectroscopy for the rapid quantification of wheat grain arabinoxylans"
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Maria Itria Ibba
2023 Research Council Fund

"Parboiling of Pigmented Waxy Cereals to Enhance Viscosity Development in a Simulated Gastric Environment"
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Annegret Jannasch
University of Arkansas
2022 Research Council Fund

"Tools to enhance rapid testing platforms for wheat α-amylase detection"
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Amber Hauvermale
Washington State University
2022 Research Council Fund
Project Funding is currently not available
The Research Council previously funded project proposals that focused on developing grain science advancements that result in new research advancements, methods, publications, presentations, etc., to benefit the Cereals & Grains Association’s membership at large.
Research projects supporting the cereal and grain industries are eligible for funding consideration, so long as they are conducted by a not-for-profit, academic institution (domestic or international). Grantees must report their results to the
Research Council members through a mid-year review in summer with a final project review in the fall. Principal investigators and students are urged to apply.
Membership in Cereals & Grains Association is required in order to apply.
Previous Project Topics
Research proposals should consider current scientific and technological challenges and common areas of interest. The range of topics might include:
- Rapid methods for existing wet chemistry methods
- Process innovations for unlocking functionality
- Methodologies for non-wheat for applicability in breadmaking/baking
- Non-allergenic gluten replacement/wheat gluten alternatives
- Upcycling grain materials and quality
- Qualitative assessment of regenerative agriculture
- Nutrition topics (everything from microbiome & the gut-brain axis to the constituent parts of grain ingredients and how they impact the biology
- Sensory aspects of grain-based products
Funding Guidelines
No funding available at this time
Maximum fund request is $25,000. Grant funds may be used for the following:
- Student/investigator wages
- Analytical services (in-house or outsourced)
- Consumables
- Approved travel (up to $2,000)
- Funds are not to be used for the purchase of capital equipment over $2,500
- No indirect costs allowed
Review of Projects
Project submissions are reviewed by members of the Research Council and judged by the following:
Value to the membership of Cereals & Grains Association—how will this contribute to the Association and to cereals and grains science?
Concise overview for the introduction that includes relevant literature review or methods
Scientific merit—will it lead to an advancement in cereal and grain science?
Hypothesis—Clarity of hypothesis, testable research question. Can the hypothesis be tested, and is it well defined? Is there a clear knowledge of the subject area?
Can the work be completed and results available by [month/year]
Application Requirements
Applications are currently not being accepted.
Membership in Cereals & Grains Association is required. Additional items required include:
Cover page including applicant's name and full contact information
Project Title
Abstract (150 words or less)
Project Introduction including notation of relevant literature and how the project will bring value to the membership of Cereals & Grains Association (400 words or less)
Hypotheses and Project Objectives, Preliminary studies, and Research Plan including Methodology (maximum 2500 words, excluding Tables and Figures)
Project Timeline (Gantt chart)
References (please use a format that indicates the title of the cited reference)
Publication/Communication Plan of Results (preferentially as a table or bullet list)
Budget Proposal (include the TOTAL U.S. fund amount requesting (max request amount is $25,000), as well as any other potential matching funds)
Contact information of additional entities providing funding, if applicable