SCAM ALERT: Unauthorized Contacts by Companies Offering to Book Your Hotel Reservations
THERE ARE NO COMPANIES AUTHORIZED BY AACCI TO CONTACT YOU TO BOOK YOUR HOTEL RESERVATIONS. To guarantee that you have booked and confirmed hotel reservations, please use only the hotels and information on the official AACCI website for hotel accommodations. Please note that exhibitors are specifically being targeted by these companies. Read complete warning here.
Your exhibit at the AACCI Annual Meeting gives you a place to meet with people you will not find at other industry meetings. By exhibiting, you will help yourself stay ahead of your competitors, make key contacts and get your message across to the right people in the food industry. The AACCI Annual Meeting is the foremost scientific forum in grain science. It's the place for new technology, industry news, and networking. The annual meeting offers access to the latest research, a forum to discuss industry issues, and a place to find solutions.
Who will see your exhibit?
Attendees consist of a targeted concentration of decision makers, the leading developers, researchers, educators and industry representatives in the grain science world. The AACCI Annual Meeting also attracts those who recognize AACCI as the technical resource in the grain-based food industry seeking techniques, instrumentation, procedures, processes, science, and solutions. It is the perfect opportunity to exhibit and showcase your company.