Students can apply for an Cereals & Grains Association Student Travel Award to help support their participation in the Cereals & Grains Association Annual Meeting as part of the annual meeting abstract submission process by simply checking a box for consideration on the abstract form. Students who select the travel award option will automatically have their details submitted as part of their award application.
The 2020 Student Travel Awards are limited to the first 60 students who have an accepted abstract, and are current members of Cereals & Grains Association. An award credit of $200 will be provided to meeting registration. You must click "Conclude Submission" on the confirmation step of the submission process to lock in your submission timestamp.
Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements for consideration. Awardees will be notified prior to the meeting and will receive a Travel Award code for processing their registration credit.
Students, make sure to apply when you submit your meeting abstract!
Congratulations to past Cereals & Grains Association Student Travel Awardees!
(pictured here at Cereals & Grains 18 in London)