DisplayTitle Division Chair Responsibilities
Page Content The Chair is elected as the chief operating officer of the Division is responsible for the overall welfare of the group and its various activities. The Chair ensures that programs, meetings, and other activities are properly planned, and oversees the functions of the Division’s officers and committees. The Chair should be familiar with the Bylaws of the Division, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Cereals & Grains Association. In presiding at meetings, the Chair should be guided by the Robert’s Rules of Order. Candidates should be fully cognizant of the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of the Chair before accepting nomination to the office. The Chair must be a Professional member of Cereals & Grains Association.
Responsibilities of Division Chair
- Is a member of the Division Leadership Council (DLC).
- Presides at all meetings of the Division and executive committee.
- Conduct a minimum of two executive committee meetings during the year.
- Ensures their division has an engagement activity at least twice per year.
- Sets up a meeting of the Executive Committee to transfer the duties to the new officers and insure continuity of Division projects.
- With the approval of the executive committee, appoints all committees, including student representatives, designate the Chair of each and fill any vacancies occurring therein in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws. In addition to these, the Chair may appoint such other permanent or ad hoc committees as necessary. Approval of the executive committee is required for all appointments.
- Performs duties as pertaining to the office and as assigned by the Bylaws or the executive committee.
DLC Member Responsibilities
- The DLC Members will provide expertise/action for Cereals & Grains Association science priorities, create yearly science action plan and report on progress to DLC Chair.
- Ensure division mission statement/bylaws to be in alignment with DLC efforts.
- The DLC will normally hold two in-person meetings, one in conjunction with the annual meeting for updates and collaboration and one at Cereals & Grains Association Headquarters for yearly planning. Divisions will be responsible for providing travel support for their chair (or designated alternate) to participate, unless special funding request is required. Conference calls will also be held regularly with at least two calls planned in addition to the in-person meetings to ensure efforts are on track. Vice Chairs of divisions will be invited to participate in conference calls. The DLC may hold other meetings at the discretion of the DLC Chair.
- Each division chair will prepare yearly progress reports outlining the division’s activities and future plans and will submit to the DLC chair prior to each Cereals & Grains Association Annual Meeting. The DLC Chair may request interim progress reports where needed