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02 Features
Cereal Foods World, Vol. 63, No. 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/CFW-63-6-0249
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Good Health to All: Retail’s Biggest Opportunity
Wendy Liebmann
WSL Strategic Retail, New York, NY, U.S.A.


WSL Strategic Retail conducts proprietary quantified research called How America Shops®. The objective is to help clients anticipate market changes that are emerging and how they will impact their businesses—be they manufacturing, retail, or service industries. Over the last several years, WSL has tracked the attitudes of shoppers concerning their health: how they define being well, what they want and how they want to support their personal and their family’s health, and where they want to buy these products. For those in the grain and grain-based industries, as well as those in U.S. industries at large, this is a macro trend that will provide significant growth opportunities for both the near and longer term. Opportunities exist in the development of ingredients, product forms, delivery systems, packaging, and messaging and in every aspect of how products and services are developed and delivered and, most importantly, how you communicate what you do and how you deliver products to shoppers and the retailers who sell them.

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