Cereals & Grains Association
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We are proud to provide additional educational training for Laboratory Proficiency Rating Program Subscribers. We offer full access to on-demand webinars in our course library – an abundance of video resources by experts in the field, available at your fingertips.

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Laboratory Proficiency Rating Program Course Library

  1. How do you know if your method is “Fit for Purpose” | Kathryn Phillips, NP Analytical Laboratories
  2. Calibration | Mark Bason, Perten Instruments
  3. Measuring Close to Zero | Paul Wehling, Medallion Labs
  4. Proficiency studies for Qualitative Tests | Ray Shillito, Bayer CropScience
  5. Critical Components of Successful Quality Assurance Programs | Sandy Zinn, Medallion Labs
  6. Root Cause Analysis | Sandy Zinn, Medallion Labs
  7. Your Z-Score | Terry Nelsen, T Nelsen Consulting
  8. How to be a Savvy Consumer of Proficiency Data in the Next Generation | Tom McKamey, EMSL Analytical Inc.
  9. The Role of Proficiency Testing in ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation and Upcoming Changes to the ALACC Accreditation Guidebook | John Szpylka, Silliker Inc. a Merieux NutriSciences Company
  10. Establishing an Analytical Quality Program | Mark Bason, Perten Instruments & Kathryn Phillips, NP Analytical Laboratories
  11. Continued Improvement of your Analytical Quality Program | Paul Wehling & Sandy Zinn, Medallion Labs

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