Use and Benefits of AACC Approved ​Methods​

AACC Approved Methods are recognized internationally and are accepted as "gold standard" tools for assessing quality and safety of grains and grain products. This collection of collaboratively evaluated methods enables food scientists in industry, academia, and government to ensure consumers have high quality and nutritious foods.

The AACC Approved Methods are used:

  • to maintain or test for quality of ingredients or products
  • to meet regulatory requirements
  • to ensure food safety of ingredients or products
  • to meet nutrition labelling requirements
  • to facilitate product development
  • to solve practical problems
  • to describe and document protocols used in innovative research
  • to train laboratory staff & to teach analytical testing

The valued reputation and usefulness of the AACC Approved Methods are due to the expertise our members share during the process of the methods’ development, validation, and approval. AACC Approved Methods are accepted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and are the default methods used internationally to facilitate trade.

The Cereals & Grains Association needs members and volunteers to continue proposing new methods and actively participate in method validation and approval processes. Your participation and involvement can be both immensely rewarding and satisfying.

There are several reasons why you should get involved and several ways you can benefit from your involvement:

  • You can ensure that your needs are met through collective efforts and expertise of other participants.
  • By lending your expertise, you can influence the process and shape outcomes.
  • You can have a meaningful impact and make a lasting contribution to the field.
  • You can foster relationships and collaboration with peers working in related field and area.
  • You have an opportunity to be in the front of innovations and changes in your profession.
  • Recognition and publication of the Collaborative Report in Cereal Chemistry.

How to Get Involved:

If you have an idea or​ need for a method:

Contact the AACC Approved Methods Outreach Director or the Approved Methods Review Director

To Participate in the Approval Process:

Contact the Approved Methods Technical Board Coordinator to join one of the many AACC Technical Methods Committees