Methods eXtras
Moisture Basis (MB) Adjustment CalculatorUsed to calculate test value at desired moisture level for grains and grains products
02-01.02 Fat Acidity — General MethodUsed to report fat acidity as mg KOH required to neutralized free fatty acids from grain on dry-matter basis
10-09.01 Basic Straight-Dough Bread Making Method — Long Fermentation Bake Test Data Recording Worksheet
10-10.03 Bread Baking Calculation Worksheet
10-52.02 Baking Quality of Cookie FlourCalculation Worksheet
14-60.01 Total Carotenoid Content of Cereal Grains and FloursUsed to calculate the Total Carotenoid Content of Cereal Grains and Flours
22-02.01 Measurement of alpha-Amylase in Plant and Microbial Materials Using the Ceralpha Methodalpha-Amylase Determination Spreadsheet
32-23.01 β-Glucan Content of Barley and Oats — Rapid Enzymatic ProcedureSpreadsheet for Determining and Recording β-Glucan Content of Barley and Oats
32-32.01 Measurement of Total Fructan in Foods by an Enzymatic/Spectrophotometric Method Spreadsheet for Measuring Total Fructan in Foods
32-40.01 Resistant Starch in Starch Samples and Plant MaterialsSpreadsheet for calculating resistant starch
39-00.01 Resistant Starch in Starch Samples and Plant MaterialsSpreadsheet for calculating statistical figures in NIR analysis
39-01.01 Evaluation of NIR Instrument CalibrationSpreadsheet for evaluating NIR Calibration
44-15.02 Aflatoxin — Presumptive TestDetermining Moisture Content
44-17.01 Moisture — Air-Oven Method (Pulses)Used to Calculate Pulse Moisture Content (Air Oven Method)
57-13.01 Water-Holding Capacity of Pulse Flours and Protein MaterialsUsed to calculate water holding capacity
61-03.01 Amylose Content of Milled RiceAmylose Content Calculator for Samples Measured by Method 61-03
76-31.01 Determination of Damaged Starch — Spectrophotometric Method Spreadsheet for calculating starch damage
10-16.01 Bread Baking Video EnhancementVolScan Profiler
10-52.02 Baking Quality of Cookie Flour — Micro Method hart: Cookies made wtih three flours at four hydration levels
10-52.02 Baking Quality of Cookie Flour — Micro MethodArticle: Collaborative Study on Updated Method 10-52
12-20.01 Total (Gasometric) Carbon Dioxide in Baking Powder (Chittick Analysis) Procedureal Guide for the Determination of Carbon Dioxide Content of Baking Powders
12-20.01 Total (Gasometric) Carbon Bioxide in Baking Powder (Chittick Analysis)Visual Supplement of the Preparation of the Acid Solution Reagent
22-80.01 Qualitative Test for Peroxidase in Oat ProductsPeroxidase in Oat Products Visual Supplement
32-23.01 β-Glucan Content of Barley and Oats — Rapid Enzymatic ProcedureVideo of the Measurement of Mixed-Linkage β-Glucan using Megazyme Assay Procedure
54-30.02 Alveograph Method for Soft and Hard Wheat FlourVideo Tutorial on the Methods using the Alveograph
54-50.01 Determination of the Water Absorption Capacidy of Flours and of Physical Properties of Wheat Flour Doughs, Using the Consistograph Video tutorial on the procedure using the Consistograph
56-21.01 Flour Swelling Volume Video Demonstration of FLour Swelling Volume Test Procedure
57-12.01 Method for Determining Water Hydration Capacity and Percentage of Unhydrated Seeds of Pulses Photo Gallery Comparison Images of a Variety of Hydrated and Unhydrated Pulses
57-14.01 Firmness of Cooked PulsesDetermining Firmness of Cooked Pulses Visual Guide
57-14.01 Method for Determining Water Hydration Capacity and Percentage of Unhydrated Seeds of PulsesPhoto Gallery Comparison Images of a Variety of Hydrated and Unhydrated Pulses
76-22.01 Determination of the Pasting Properties of Oat with Rapid Viscosity AnalysisVideo Demonstration of Oat Pasting Using the RVA
76-33.01 Determination of Damaged Starch — Amperometric MethodVideo Demonstration using the SDMatic