Cereals & Grains Association
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  • AACC International reserves the right to publish accepted abstracts in the AACC International Annual Meeting Program Book, in Cereal Foods World, Cereal Chemistry, on AACCnet, or any combination thereof in print and online. Presentations should not have been published prior to the meeting.
  • Authors of technical research presentations as well as symposia presenters are encouraged to submit their presentations for consideration in AACC International's publications – Cereal Chemistry, Cereal Foods World or CFW Plexus. As soon as possible after the Annual Meeting, authors should visit the Publications Page on the AACCI Website to submit their manuscripts to Cereal Chemistry or CFW Plexus. To submit an article to Cereal Foods World or a presentation to CFW Plexus, contact AACCI here, or +1.651.454.7250 for further information.