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02 Features
Cereal Foods World, Vol. 65, No. 6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/CFW-65-6-0065
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​​​Regenerative Agriculture: A Farmer-Led Initiative to Build Resiliency in Food Systems
​James O. Eckberg and Steven T. Rosenzweig

​General Mills, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.​

© 2020 Cereals & Grains Association


​The resiliency of cereal grain food systems is threatened by the agricultural degradation of natural resources. Addressing this global challenge will require us to rethink the ways in which grains are produced. An emerging farmer-led movement known as regenerative agriculture may provide a pathway to reverse the degradation of agroecosystems, with the potential to enhance food system resilience. Regenerative agriculture reimagines conventional agriculture around a holistic set of nature-based principles to restore soil health, biodiversity, and farm economics. Although a multitude of complex barriers exist for farmers to transition to regenerative systems, companies in the food and agricultural sector are beginning to develop initiatives that can support the regenerative agricultural movement. By redefining their own approaches to sustainability, these companies are charting new paths to accelerate farmer adoption of regenerative agriculture that improves socioeconomic and environmental resiliency throughout food systems.

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