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02 Features
Cereal Foods World, Vol. 65, No. 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1094/CFW-65-1-0003
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​​​​​Biological Contamination of Grains in Transportation—Farm to Fork
Deirdre Ortiz1

Kellogg Company, W K Kellogg Institute, Battle Creek, MI, U.S.A.

1 E-mail: Deirdre.Ortiz@kellogg.com

© 2020 Cereals & Grains Association


There are many forms of contamination that can affect grain quality from the farm through transportation, storage, and processing of grains before they are ready for consumption as food or feed. Of these forms of contamination, biological contamination can be a significant threat to human and animal health when contaminated grain is processed into food or feed. Biological contamination encompasses allergens, mycotoxins, pests, and microbes.

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